Live 9 leaked features
Greetings ninjabots
The residual Mongol horde known as Ableton is releasing the newest iteration of their primitive, so-called digital audio workstation “Live” unto your feeble silicon based computer systems. With 9, Ableton will be updating various features of their popular software, and in this “leak” they discuss some of the new eqs and compressors available. Over the next few days I will bring you the freshest leaks I can find for your linear, time based consciousnesses at my own, roboninjamic discretion.
thank you and goodnight.
Posted: October 25th, 2012
at 9:48am
Categories: Digital Audio,Previews,Pro Audio,r0b0t ninja
Comments: No comments
My hostile and downtrodden ninja,
Rejoice in your plight, for the audiogods have smiled upon your sufferance, and lo, should you choose to accept your charge, ye shall reap the fruits of the works of men and machine far greater than your soul could ever withstand to know. And such knowledge is merely a glimpse of both the variety and magnitude of what awaits you upon your enterance unto the website.
Anyway for the next couple of days these guys are allowing non-users to join for free! They host torrents of all types of crazy sample libraries, plugins and so on–alls you need is a torrent downloader (utorrent, xtorrent, dicktorrent) and the ability to not be an asshole (login, READ and agree to the eula), and you’re good! Act soon tho, it goes back to being a paysite on May 6th.
The Robotninja’s hologram can still cut you
Posted: May 3rd, 2011
at 11:24pm
Categories: Digital Audio,holy shit,Pro Audio,r0b0t ninja
Comments: No comments
DJ Qbert’s Breaktionary
Get down my funky ninjastanks
The humorously mongoloid earthman dj Qbert has released another of his so-called “Breaktionarys” of classic hiphop breaks and samples. Behold, as your robotninja overlord provides them to you within the soundcloud. In return I only ask your immortal soul be sworn unto me before your current lord and savior.
Robotninja comes like a thief in the night
Quantum Orchestra
To my soloist and collectivist ninjas,
No longer must you rely on sampling pre-recorded, pre-composed orchestral musics, like some misbegotten half-ninja! Behold, as the foolish humans Douglas Rogers and Nicholas Pheonix offer the free version of their Symphonic Orchestra virtual instrument unto the one true robolord! Awkwardly used by your typical, evolutionarily stunted human composers like Paul Wickens (keyboard player for Paul Mccartney) and Rene Dupere (Musical director, Cirque de Soleil), the VST’s offered at Soundsonline are used in nearly all of your terrestrial movie and television scores, allowing mere human composers to attempt to create on levels hilariously trivial to that of their robotninja masters.
And what must one do to secure such unparalleled creative potential, you ask? All that is required of you is that you fill out a quick survey describing your musical level and reasons for wanting such earth-shattering musical weaponry, and, if the stars are aligned properly and the earth positioned correctly, you will be able to download this monstrous VST to your earthbound “computer”. Act with great swiftness, my ninjas–this brief window will only remain open until the year of our robolord, January 31st 2010.
Fear not the coming robocalypse, my ninjas.
Posted: January 6th, 2010
at 11:18am
Categories: Digital Audio,holy shit,Pro Audio,r0b0t ninja
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Akai AP40 Midi Controller
Mama say mama sa mama kusah, myninjas
Listen to this: the good people over at Akai, famous for their industry defining MPC series, has come correct for all you goddamned Ableton users, ushering in what is sure to be a new era in mankind’s fledgling attempts at electronic music.
The Apc40 is unique among the cosmos in that it allows the user to fully articulate every element available in live, essentially using the computer as its processor. Being able to control every event that takes place in a program such as live is difficult for the majority of humanity’s intellectual elite, so I won’t bore you with the esoterics. Instead, look upon this video of one of your own using his hands in ways that would make the buddha weep. From the site:
The APC40 features high quality controls for real-time mixing, remixing and production. 109 buttons, 16 endless encoders with LED rings, nine 45mm faders and a replaceable crossfader give musicians and producers complete control of Live’s Session View, effect devices and virtual instruments.
Whether you’re in the studio or on stage, DJing, making beats, running backing tracks, firing MIDI loops or triggering sound effects, you can kiss your mouse goodbye.
The APC40 was co-designed by Ableton and Akai Professional.

I will of course dual wield. Big ups to myrobotninja, please.
Posted: July 3rd, 2009
at 12:07am
Categories: Digital Audio,Pro Audio,r0b0t ninja
Comments: 2 comments
Retarded sound cubes
Spendthrift and frugal ninjabots,
Here at R0b0tninja I try to bring new synthesis and audio production techniques to the forefront of human liminal understanding, ignoring the bullshit and bringing only the juiciest gems for your consumption.
But I must make an exception in this one case: the Percussa audio cubes, midi controllers for such popular programs as Ableton Live and Reason, seem to your humble r0b0tninja the embodiment of an electronics retail industry run amok. I mean, what the fuck. Here’s the absolute greatest thing a site selling it has to say:
They look way-cool in a dark room. Physical interaction between the cubes. A very portable system.
Really? That’s why I’m going to spend 1300 US dollars? These things are proximity based midi triggers, finally bridging the world of boardgames to the world of music production. While I must admit a passing curiosity as to the inner workings of these wastes of space, I also can’t believe that anyone would find any real use for these chunks of stanky demon taint in the first place. Maybe if I wanted to impress a dozen japanese teenage girls, I would buy these and play some jungle beats or something, smoke machine going strong, lasers blasting off all over the place.
In fact, forget about the jungle and the lasers. I’ll be the smoke machine, ladies.
Posted: November 14th, 2008
at 3:43pm
Categories: Digital Audio,Pro Audio,r0b0t ninja,Reviews
Comments: No comments
Thorbotron: You can’t deny it anymore
so serious, myninjas.
The norsemen over at Propellerhead have always made the earth tremble with their might, pillaging England and discovering America nonchalantly. But they continue to out-man their heritage by supplying us with their software Reason, and we thank them for that. What’s more, now they’ve granted mortal man the powers of the sun of Asgard, Odin’s beak, the All-powerful mangod Thor. They even show you some interesting shit about using white noise in this tutorial, and using Thors noise oscillators to manifest some pretty tasty jimmy-jams. Peep the sample page to sample Thor’s Hammer, no homo.
I like this graph, because it looks like a technicolor asshole and is to-the-point.
Robotninja, spoken while dropping herbal smokebomb manuevers, but not read
Posted: August 29th, 2008
at 12:08am
Categories: Digital Audio,Pro Audio,r0b0t ninja,Reviews
Comments: No comments
Indamixx: Portable Production tools for Datazz
Indeed, esteemed ninjamen.
The good people over at the National Beatmakers Association have constructed a portable music making device sure to offset the delicate balance of the cosmos. This little bastard might be the anti-christ, but it might also be mankind’s last and greatest hope (like Obama!), enabling seasoned pros and neophytes alike to record and sequence their music on a solid and portable jambone (unlike Obama). From the site:
- Linux Multimedia Real Time Operating System (OS) – (Low Latency)
- Pre Loaded Software ‘Suite’ (no software or drivers to load)
- Free Software Updates
- Customizable (Open Platform)
- Faster Editing With Touch Screen
- Small Form Factor – Ultra Portable
- 40 Gigabyte Hard Drive
- Robust 7.0″ Display at 1024×600
- Hold Switch (Lock Function)
- VGA Port For External Monitor
- Two USB 2.0 Ports
The fact that it’s linux based makes it as stable as the spatial fabric upon which your delicate dimension is nestled. A quick look at the number of plugins they give you (260) and the fact that you can use it to host any other VST you have, and you realize how easily this thing could merge with some punk biker kid from Tokyo, enhance his latent telekinetic abilities and usher in the higher evolutionary capabilities of mankind long before its time. Add the usb ports and touch screen, and it becomes clear that a demon-machine, capable of blasting through the ass of any mortal man, woman or beast of the field, is now upon us.
The price tag gives me pause ($1100), but I get a lot done during those pauses.
Robotninjas don’t sleep
Posted: August 27th, 2008
at 12:08am
Categories: Digital Audio,Previews,Pro Audio,r0b0t ninja
Comments: No comments
Sampling the digital Omniverse
Yes, myninjas.
The Ambrosia Software ninja-team has constructed a seamless and foolishly capable piece of software, which if left in the wrong hands, could easily lead to the destruction of all audio in the known megaverse. WireTap Anywhere allows users of Apple’s Core Audio to connect any audio source to any audio destination, allowing non-robotninjas to sample any sound their primitive computers can produce.
I always pulled a similar maneuver using an external digital audio interface–I’m prone to route my movies and other system audio out to a light=pipe usb connection. Also, any ninja with an mpc (or lesser hardware sampler) can do the exact same thing, all without having to pay out the ass for a soft version ($129). Still, if I were into podcasting and interviews, it would be nice to be able to record both ends of a skype call, say, or just an ill internet radio station (free of AD/DA conversion, no less).
…blessed are the robotninja–the robotninja will inherit the earth
Posted: August 25th, 2008
at 8:00am
Categories: Digital Audio,Pro Audio,r0b0t ninja,Reviews
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